Saturday, April 19, 2008

If A Candidate Screws Up In The Woods...

Non-Obamaists continue to complain that the MSM in general is giving the senator a pass. As if that will sway voters. RED ALERT; the main street media is dying. Withering like a piece of fruit on a dead vine. America has entered a new reality for political campaigns and it relies less and less on the MSM. This is the age of the Internet.

Hillary Clinton learned of its coming the hard way. Surrounded by old-time political hacks, she sought to win the nomination for the Democrat Party in the traditional manner. Her strategy was to amass wins in big states to give her the momentum necessary to steamroll lover her competition.

However, Barack Obama defeated that strategy by going directly to the people, over the heads, actually, of the MSM. He used a tactic similar to what Howard Dean attempted, and had working until the infamous scream. Raising money from the little people he now scorns as “clingers” and courting the votes of those who had no history of voting. Dean once had the nomination practically locked up until he assumed, as did Hillary, that he had the nomination locked up. He failed to carry through on the ground in Iowa and consequently lost the state and, following the scream, New Hampshire. But, unlike Dean, Obama kept plugging away and pulled off the upset in Iowa setting up his unprecedented run.

He has done it off the little people who have been attracted to the historic nature of the candidate. Then came Pennsylvania and the bitterness. Hillary has seen the MSM who once worshipped her fleeing to the new guy. And Obama has been taking advantage of the soft coverage by his new pets. He makes very good but unspecific speeches heralded by reporters with nice little sound bites. Unfortunately for him, his true nature peaks out every so often and when it does the new medium takes over.

Once upon a time, a candidate could make a gaff and recover with little problem. Bill Clinton and his machine were very adept at it. They would throw out some tepid response to his latest scandal; claim they had already answered the question when pressed by the press and wait for the news cycle to change. Inevitably, it would. The new age of the Internet does not permit this old political scheme to work with its former effectiveness. A political blunder now stays around and can be replayed over and over again thanks to You Tube, blogs and other Internet tools.

History in repetition. Just as Howard Dean forgot how he vaulted into the lead, so Obama has forgotten. He has fallen back on the old style campaigning and it will bite him in the buttocks. Oh, and the MSM will be there to cover it. As if anyone will notice.

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