Saturday, March 03, 2007


Friday, March 02, 2007

Why The Liberal Elite Have No Fear Of Regulations

There is an old story, probably an urban myth, but it says it best. Member of the Central Committee approached Soviet Union founder Vladimir Lenin. They complained that they had to stand in line at the commissary for meals and eat in the cramped conditions with other workers. They argued that they could better serve the people if they had their own restaurants where they could eat quickly then return to their desks. It made sense to Lenin so he granted permission. From that point forward the elite of Soviet Russian Communism enjoyed a privileged lifestyle not available to the masses. Why do liberals propose enforced lifestyle changes by which they themselves do not live (i.e. Al Gore consumes electricity at 20 times the average American and flies in corporate jets)? Simply put, the left-wing elite never expect to live by those standards. They expect to be pampered, for the good of the masses, of course.

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