Friday, May 18, 2007

John McCain Kills His Campaign


Did you here it? If you are really quiet you will hear the last gasp of the McCain campaign. It happened when the hapless senator charged out ahead on the immigration debate. On the wrong side, if you are a conservative. Which John McCain has repeatedly claimed to be.

Let us review the conservative position on immigration. Conservatives believe illegal immigrants are breaking the law and should not be rewarded for it. They believe the government has the obligation for protecting those who play by the rules and obey the law and punish those who do not. Conservatives believe the line for legal immigration begins in the country of origin not in the USA.

McCain has consistently taken the non-conservative path on major issues, with the exception of Iraq. It appears instinctual. Remember McCain’s role in the terrible twelve who stopped Conservative Republicans from pushing conservative judges through the senate?

So, here was the senator with everyone but the liberal press declaring his campaign stuck in the mud. And how did he set himself apart from the pack of 10? How did he get the traction that could keep Fred Thompson from entering the race as a wildcard and winning it all? He took point on an issue contrary to a majority of the conservative constituency. In one bold stroke, he alienated most of the potential voters needed to win the Republican nomination. The immigration bill, passed or defeated, will hang around McCain’s neck from now until the last voter has left the booth.

The McCain for president campaign will limp along for months. There will still be those willing to give money to this walking dead of an organization and the liberal press, in love with John McCain, will prop him up but, for all practical purposes, his political career has peaked. It will go no further.

Goodbye, Never-To-Be-President John McCain.

Shhhhh! Can you hear it?

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