Friday, April 27, 2007

Law And Order And Retreat

Congressional Democrats, Pelosi, Reid and those who follow them do not understand the world around them. They are like the wealthy of this country who move into gated neighborhoods believing that they can keep out the crime and poverty around them. However, if the police structure, which actually protects them, breaks down, they would lose their security in a matter of moments. It is the perception of social order that keeps a relative domestic peace in society. Just look to those neighborhoods where it is unthinkable to cooperate with the police. On those streets, gangs, criminals and other lowlives run things. And where government rules like thugs? Well, you only have to look as far as Venezuela to see how low a government, led by Hugo Chavez, can sink a nation and its economy. Law and order requires that those in power respect the rights of individuals and support the illusion of the police in control. What happens when and where the peacekeepers lose that perception can easily be seen in the worse neighborhoods in America.

It is a short jump to the debate on Iraq. When the Democrats voted for the war, they did not bother to think farther than the next election. None of them wanted to be on the losing side. It was a given that our military would take out the Iraqi army in days if not hours. Then came the peace. The Bush administration made a critical error early in fighting the peace in a PC manner. It has not worked. I believe if President Bush had allowed the military to take full control of Iraq and gradually cede that control as the Iraqis earned it, we would not be in the fix we are today. But that is water under the bridge. The question is; what do we do now?

Democrats say we should cut and run. They have even given our retreat an artificial date. Imagine any neighborhood in any city. What would happen if the police announced that they were leaving because the criminals had won? Would any other neighborhood in that city or the surrounding suburbs survive?

If you cannot make the connection between the domestic peace of your neighborhood, Iraq and world peace then, you have something in common with Democrats, Pelosi, Reid and their followers.

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