Saturday, April 14, 2007
The HAT People: A Shared Cause
If it was unclear before, Speakerette Nancy Pelosi’s terrorist tour should have left no doubt in anyone’s mind just whom the Democrats support in the war on terror. It is a natural match. The terrorists and the Democrats have the same goal, the destruction of America as it exists today. The liberal elite, who currently run the Democrat party, are ashamed to be part of the society our ancestors built. They want to create a new America from the ashes, one that fits their image of themselves, regardless of how hypocritical that image might be. The terrorists agree America must fall only, they want to construct a Muslim empire in its place based on the Koran. Liberals know this, they have read of the aspirations of the terrorists but they believe that, once they have power, the Islamic murders will recognize they are divinely appointed to rule the world and make peace.
Here is what must be understood about liberal elites; they do not believe the laws and regulations that dominate the lives of average people should apply to them. They propose taxes for the rich, than exclude themselves and their friends. They preach the need for lifestyle changes to stop global warming but fail to apply those standards to their own lives. They want employers to pay higher wages but exempt companies in their own districts and allow others to exploit illegal immigrants with sub-minimum wages and benefits. Pelosi, Hillary Clinton, Al Gore and other elitists jet around the world in comfort as others pay the bills while demanding the rest of us scale back our own lives, for the sake of…you fill in the blank.
Let the terrorists win on their own terms, the liberals think but, do not say. Let them win, then the libs and the killers will get together and talk it out. In the end, the terrorists, who murder their own people like cowards, will see how noble the Democrats are and step aside so that American liberals can rule the world.

Here is what must be understood about liberal elites; they do not believe the laws and regulations that dominate the lives of average people should apply to them. They propose taxes for the rich, than exclude themselves and their friends. They preach the need for lifestyle changes to stop global warming but fail to apply those standards to their own lives. They want employers to pay higher wages but exempt companies in their own districts and allow others to exploit illegal immigrants with sub-minimum wages and benefits. Pelosi, Hillary Clinton, Al Gore and other elitists jet around the world in comfort as others pay the bills while demanding the rest of us scale back our own lives, for the sake of…you fill in the blank.
Let the terrorists win on their own terms, the liberals think but, do not say. Let them win, then the libs and the killers will get together and talk it out. In the end, the terrorists, who murder their own people like cowards, will see how noble the Democrats are and step aside so that American liberals can rule the world.

Friday, April 13, 2007
Don Imus, Another Opinion
With all the fuss over the idiotic remarks by Don Imus, I believe most people failed to hear the cry of despair. What!?
Yes, you heard me, despair. Across the country liberal politicians, reporters and political pundits went to bed crying. You see, they had just lost a free, that means something for which they did not have to pay, free outlet where they had access to the American public.
In a lot of ways, Imus is an eclectic man. He is rough and unrefined yet, well read. He loves NASCAR, horses and kids with terrible diseases. His musical tastes span the spectrum. But in his politics, The I-Man is liberal.
Of course, he pretends to have an open mind but you only have to review his guest list to understand his far left-wing slant. From journalists to entertainers to politicians, Imus’ guests were primarily liberals. Imus had given them a platform absolutely free for years, a place where they could, for the most part, say anything they pleased regardless of how hypocritical and get away with it. Leftists plugged their books, other moneymaking ventures and their politics on Imus. In a blink of an eye, the platform disappeared.
Here is the problem, liberals cannot do talk radio. No one wants to listen to them, they are boring. For the most part, Imus was the only exception. One wonders what these freeloaders are going to do in the future to sell their stuff, go to Rush or Hannity? Hah! And do they think, if Imus acquires another gig, he will invite those who ran away from him like he had the plague? I think he has a list of those who betrayed him in his hour of need and I think The I-Man will take vengeance.
A cry went up among the liberal freeloaders of America. Well, not in public, of course!
Yes, you heard me, despair. Across the country liberal politicians, reporters and political pundits went to bed crying. You see, they had just lost a free, that means something for which they did not have to pay, free outlet where they had access to the American public.
In a lot of ways, Imus is an eclectic man. He is rough and unrefined yet, well read. He loves NASCAR, horses and kids with terrible diseases. His musical tastes span the spectrum. But in his politics, The I-Man is liberal.
Of course, he pretends to have an open mind but you only have to review his guest list to understand his far left-wing slant. From journalists to entertainers to politicians, Imus’ guests were primarily liberals. Imus had given them a platform absolutely free for years, a place where they could, for the most part, say anything they pleased regardless of how hypocritical and get away with it. Leftists plugged their books, other moneymaking ventures and their politics on Imus. In a blink of an eye, the platform disappeared.
Here is the problem, liberals cannot do talk radio. No one wants to listen to them, they are boring. For the most part, Imus was the only exception. One wonders what these freeloaders are going to do in the future to sell their stuff, go to Rush or Hannity? Hah! And do they think, if Imus acquires another gig, he will invite those who ran away from him like he had the plague? I think he has a list of those who betrayed him in his hour of need and I think The I-Man will take vengeance.
A cry went up among the liberal freeloaders of America. Well, not in public, of course!
Sunday, April 08, 2007
Thank You, Britain. Thank You Tony Blair.
Thank you Britain, thank you Tony Blair, thank you, liberals in British parliament. Yes, because of your decisive action against Iran, which took your people prisoner in an open act of war, the world will have to endure a repeat performance.
Terrorists are, if nothing else, intelligent enough to know what works and to continue until they get what they want or their actions cease giving them the results they seek. The perfect example is hijacking airplanes. I’m, unfortunately, old enough to remember the first hijackings and the ever increasing need for security at airports. At first, the terrorists just took the aircraft, terrorized the passengers for a few hours or days then released them and destroyed the planes. Gradually, the terrorists were forced to harm or kill passengers as the world became bored and hijackings became second page news. Finally, they flew the planes into buildings to get the world attention they desired. Then George W. Bush declared that we had had enough and went after the terrorists and nations supporting them. But the public has tired of the war on terrorism. Primarily because of the success in reducing terrorist attacks.
So, how do terrorists garner the attention they want? By using an old, and failed, strategy, taking hostages. For years, including the Iranian Hostage Crisis, which brought to an end the Carter administration (Okay, there were some unintended good which comes from terrorism), terrorists tried to use kidnapping innocent people as a means for gaining world attention. Alas, they learned that, eventually, the public soon lost interest and news organizations turned to the issue of the day. Long termed hostage taking proved a no win situation. The world just did not have the attention span. The taking of hostages changed recently when the terrorists started killing their victims and releasing on the Internet the gruesome deeds. Except, the public responded with horror and condemned the terrorists, instead of sympathizing with their politics. Finding the method counterproductive, terrorists have been searching for a new means of forcing their agenda on the world. Britain showed an old tactic might have potential, again.
Thank you, Britain! Until the terrorists pick on the wrong leader, we will have to endure the spectacle of more hostages used as pawns in their deadly game. Those who do not learn the lessons of history will be forced to relive it.
Footnote: The media has underplayed it but, Iran reportedly blinked when they learned that President Bush had ordered a third aircraft carrier into the seaways around Iran and Iraq. Iran is a paper tiger. The US military could bomb Iran back to the stone ages with less than a dozen well placed guided bombs. What lessons should we learn from this? Yeah, right, the free world learn?
Terrorists are, if nothing else, intelligent enough to know what works and to continue until they get what they want or their actions cease giving them the results they seek. The perfect example is hijacking airplanes. I’m, unfortunately, old enough to remember the first hijackings and the ever increasing need for security at airports. At first, the terrorists just took the aircraft, terrorized the passengers for a few hours or days then released them and destroyed the planes. Gradually, the terrorists were forced to harm or kill passengers as the world became bored and hijackings became second page news. Finally, they flew the planes into buildings to get the world attention they desired. Then George W. Bush declared that we had had enough and went after the terrorists and nations supporting them. But the public has tired of the war on terrorism. Primarily because of the success in reducing terrorist attacks.
So, how do terrorists garner the attention they want? By using an old, and failed, strategy, taking hostages. For years, including the Iranian Hostage Crisis, which brought to an end the Carter administration (Okay, there were some unintended good which comes from terrorism), terrorists tried to use kidnapping innocent people as a means for gaining world attention. Alas, they learned that, eventually, the public soon lost interest and news organizations turned to the issue of the day. Long termed hostage taking proved a no win situation. The world just did not have the attention span. The taking of hostages changed recently when the terrorists started killing their victims and releasing on the Internet the gruesome deeds. Except, the public responded with horror and condemned the terrorists, instead of sympathizing with their politics. Finding the method counterproductive, terrorists have been searching for a new means of forcing their agenda on the world. Britain showed an old tactic might have potential, again.
Thank you, Britain! Until the terrorists pick on the wrong leader, we will have to endure the spectacle of more hostages used as pawns in their deadly game. Those who do not learn the lessons of history will be forced to relive it.
Footnote: The media has underplayed it but, Iran reportedly blinked when they learned that President Bush had ordered a third aircraft carrier into the seaways around Iran and Iraq. Iran is a paper tiger. The US military could bomb Iran back to the stone ages with less than a dozen well placed guided bombs. What lessons should we learn from this? Yeah, right, the free world learn?