Saturday, September 22, 2007

Another Example Of The Principle Of Unintended Consequences

Dr. James Dobson is reported to have said that he cannot support Fred Thompson’s candidacy for president because Fred will not support changing the Constitution. Yes, that is exactly what must happen for Dr. Dobson to get his way; the Constitution must be altered significantly.

You see, Dr. Dobson wants the federal government to take over an issue that has been the responsibility of the states since the founding of our country, marriage and how it is defined. Dr. Dobson would like that moved to federal control since he is upset with how some states have chosen, or allowed themselves, to handle the law concerning marriage.

For those like Dr. Dobson, who have no clue, let's review. The Constitution lays out the responsibilities of the federal government and makes a pointed statement that, if it is not spelled out directly in the Constitution that the federal government has a specific power then the federal government DOES NOT HAVE IT. Somewhere in our road to increased socialism, politicians on the federal level have managed to chip away at that provision in our sacred documents with a simple tool, money. In order to stick their fingers in every aspect of life, Congress and presidents have passed bills that encroach on states’ rights by using federal dollars. But bribery can only take you so far. Several bills have attempted to define the marriage issue in traditional terms but liberals or progressives or whatever their name of the day is now, have picked away at that definition. Dr. Dobson’s remedy is to force a Constitutional amendment.

Though it sounds simple, first of all, an amendment would take years to pass Congress and even longer to make it though all the states. Ask those who once tried to pass ERA. But an even more poignant problem is that, Dr. Dobson and those who support him are failing to uphold their conservative credentials and actually showing themselves to be socialist in their mind set. The social-liberal mindset is to demand the federal government immediately correct any perceived wrong they find. The true conservative says that most problems are a state issue and each state has the right to handle an issue as the people of that state see fit. If you do not like how your state functions, move. The marriage issue is not a federal matter. Inviting the U. S. Congress into it will only create more problems based on the principle of the unintended consequences. Dr. Dobson might do well to study how effective the federal government has been in handling social security and welfare before he insists they tackle marriage. He might discover that, in the minds of progressives, he has been living in sin all these years.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

The HAT People: Qualifications, Huh?

Need it be asked again? Apparently so. What qualifications does Hillary have to be president? I see none. How about you? Name them!

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