Saturday, August 04, 2007
The HAT People: Little gods

Since those long ago days in the musty corner of the basement in the little white country church, I was taught to serve the God of the universe. And I am very much disposed to doing so, with one stipulation. Any God to whom I grant my submission must be omnipotent, omnipresent and omniscient. I refuse to worship a god who cannot defend himself without my help. A god who cannot enforce his will on his creation without my assistance. For such a god could never have created in the first place. In the final analysis, only the true Creator of the universe can and will control the universe. As such, if a god, or his self-appointed representatives, demands that I enforce his will upon another then; I know that is not the God described above. Little gods demand public action where little gods are incapable of acting. The God of creation demands inner allegiance where only he is able to see. Around the world, many are serving little gods but I bent my knee only to the God who has no need of me.