Saturday, June 30, 2007
The HAT People: Run, Al, Run...Far Away, Please!
Speakerette Pelosi And Corruption
The blame for the disgraceful performance of the House, albeit quite subdued when compared to the years Newt ran the place, and the low confidence rating seems to be falling ever so gently on Speakerette Pelosi. Frankly, I believe it is too harsh. Pelosi said her first job was to drain the swamp of corruption but I am betting those bad old Republicans hid the pump. The Speakerette will have to go shopping for a new one and we know how much women hate shopping and Congress hates spending money!
Friday, June 29, 2007
The HAT People: The USS McCain Sinks
“I am hopeful that we will have another chance to address this critical national security issue that affects people throughout our country. In the meantime, we must keep working to secure our borders while we continue fighting to reform our unenforceable immigration laws.” Said the senator who helped create those very laws and bring America to this critical point in history.
One of the byproducts of the defeat of the amnesty bill will be the sinking of the McCain campaign. Though the candidate appears not to know. Like the doomed passengers of the Titanic walking around the deck, McCain seems unaware that his ship is going down. Old naval aviators do not die; they just slide under the waves.

One of the byproducts of the defeat of the amnesty bill will be the sinking of the McCain campaign. Though the candidate appears not to know. Like the doomed passengers of the Titanic walking around the deck, McCain seems unaware that his ship is going down. Old naval aviators do not die; they just slide under the waves.

I Love The Smell Of Napalm In The Morning!
It started in the deep dark recesses of Washington, in a place average Americans are not allowed. A handful of men representing the majority of the Senate and the White House gathered to do the impossible; construct a bill that would grant amnesty to 12 million plus illegal immigrants while pretending to close the borders. The mission parameters; hammer out the deal in secret to avoid the scrutiny of the American people, ram it through congress before momentum could build to make passage difficult and make it possible for every senator to vote in such a way as to pass the bill but not endanger his position with his constituents.
What the old, out of touch with the current America, senators did not understand was the power of the new mediums. Until it was too late. Within hours of announcing their Grand Bargain, the blogosphere and talk radio were in full swing. Millions of Amercians, real Americans, those who live by the laws of this country, pay ALL their taxes and want their government to work for them not against them, these Americans started reacting to the amnesty bill. And make no mistake about it; the bill was all about giving amnesty to lawbreakers with little or no penalty. At first, the senators failed to understand the sleeping giant they had awakened. Career politicians, even those on the anti-amnesty side, thought the bill was a slam-dunk. Conventional political wisdom said that the bill would whip through the Senate, or what passes for speeding in that cumbersome establishment, and move on to the House. Opponents believed the bill would have to be defeated there or watered down. No one counted on the American people.
And why should they? Americans have rolled over for years and taken the abuse of their leaders while returning them to office again and again. There was nothing to tell the politicians that they would do less this time. Wrong! Like an angry parent pushed too far by a disobedient child, they rose up and said, “I have had enough!” They took off their belts, cut switches from the lilac trees or pulled the wooden punishment spoons from the drawers. Using all the tools of the new medium, email, blogs, the Internet, and the old tools, letters, faxes, talk radio and the telephone, they proclaimed their message loud and clear.
Real Americans, the true voters, showed their power the last few weeks and especially Thursday 6-28-07. Politicians running in 08; be afraid, BE VERY AFRAID!
What the old, out of touch with the current America, senators did not understand was the power of the new mediums. Until it was too late. Within hours of announcing their Grand Bargain, the blogosphere and talk radio were in full swing. Millions of Amercians, real Americans, those who live by the laws of this country, pay ALL their taxes and want their government to work for them not against them, these Americans started reacting to the amnesty bill. And make no mistake about it; the bill was all about giving amnesty to lawbreakers with little or no penalty. At first, the senators failed to understand the sleeping giant they had awakened. Career politicians, even those on the anti-amnesty side, thought the bill was a slam-dunk. Conventional political wisdom said that the bill would whip through the Senate, or what passes for speeding in that cumbersome establishment, and move on to the House. Opponents believed the bill would have to be defeated there or watered down. No one counted on the American people.
And why should they? Americans have rolled over for years and taken the abuse of their leaders while returning them to office again and again. There was nothing to tell the politicians that they would do less this time. Wrong! Like an angry parent pushed too far by a disobedient child, they rose up and said, “I have had enough!” They took off their belts, cut switches from the lilac trees or pulled the wooden punishment spoons from the drawers. Using all the tools of the new medium, email, blogs, the Internet, and the old tools, letters, faxes, talk radio and the telephone, they proclaimed their message loud and clear.
Real Americans, the true voters, showed their power the last few weeks and especially Thursday 6-28-07. Politicians running in 08; be afraid, BE VERY AFRAID!
Sunday, June 24, 2007
The HAT People: You Want That In English? Why?
As Americans wait to see whether or not the U.S. Senate will obey their wishes or betray them, the question remains unanswered. If the amnesty bill is passed, will it be printed in English or Spanish? Since the average American has difficulty reading political doubletalk and most illegals cannot read, or speak, English, I guess it does not matter. No one will understand any of it but the amnesty sections and the enforcement clauses will never be enforced even if they can be understood. What a world, what a world.