Friday, May 25, 2007

The HAT People: Wings As Eagles

Sunday, May 20, 2007


Now is the chance for all good conservatives to stand up and be heard! We have had enough and it ends now, should be our cry. Some have said that the immigration bill currently sitting in the senate is the best we can hope to achieve. They say the bill is a done deal in the senate. Horse feathers!! If my people, who are called by my name, will shout their distaste for this evil measure, the politicians will scurry for cover like cockroaches when the lights are turned on. Hear me now and believe me later, after we have what we want, nothing is a done deal until Christ returns and perfection is given to all. Those who want the law respected and their rights protected must be willing to fight for them or others will claim what is theirs.

So, shout to the hills, and DC. Proclaim your anger that those in our capital are not listening to the voice of the voters (I mean the real voters not those who claim to vote to pollsters but never enter the voting booth). If legal citizens stand up and are heard, we will prevail! Remain silent and watch your rights and property given to others.

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