Friday, May 11, 2007

Run, Fred, Run. When You Are Ready.

I, for one, think Fred Thompson has already proven his qualifications to be the next president of the US of A.

As of today, we have 20 plus want-a-be candidates running around vying for attention, money and MSM approval. I am willing to bet the average voter cannot name more then four of them, from both parties combined. By voters, I mean the people who actually take time to walk into a voting booth and vote, not those who respond to the latest survey. People who just respond the MSM’s polls usually have a multiple-choice list from which to choose. They need it because, otherwise the poll would have so many in the head scratching no opinion column as to be useless. Not that they have any real value otherwise.

Okay, I digress, again.

Soon-to-be President-elect Thompson has proven his merit to be such because he has not entered the race, as yet. While the want-a-bes are pushing voters into political comatose with their nauseating early campaigning, Fred writes articles on the issues of the day, gives a few choice interviews and works behind the scenes to prepare his entry. Yes, I am no idiot. If he is going to run, there is a lot of groundwork that must be done first. The political pundits keep telling him he needs to enter the race before it is too late and the money dries up but, they make their living on politics and the longer the campaign season, the more money they make, giving advise no one ever remembers.

And therein lies the real drivers behind the ever increasingly early campaign seasons, those who profit from politics. Be they media or be they paid pundits; the professional political hacks make their living off of professional politicians looking for the next gig. And the longer a campaign for any office can be drug out, the more these people make, even if voters are not paying attention. These are the people who pushed Obama into declaring early, forcing Hillary to declare early, forcing the Republicans to declare early (or lose the competition for face time, they said). It is all about money! So, when Fred does not declare early, the powers that think they control the process write, talk and shout about how he cannot wait any longer or there will be nothing left of the money or media coverage. Yeah, right! People who give money to candidates want to give to winners, those who will take an office, not those who just run. So, are we expected to believe that if Thompson announces in the near future and has a STRONG chance of winning the money people will have nothing left to give to him? Again, yeah, right!! And the media? They cover the front-runners, not those with little or no chance. Who wants to watch a nobody run for office and lose?

I want Fred Thompson to declare. I cannot wait for Fred Thompson to declare. But thank God Fred Thompson has not yet declared! Run, Fred, run! Eh, when you are ready.

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