Saturday, March 31, 2007

Fred Thompson And Scorpions, Stay With Me, Here!

Remember the tale of the fox who gave the scorpion a ride on his back across the river? Halfway there, the scorpion stung the fox. As they both drown, the fox asked why the scorpion would sting him thereby endangering both their lives. The scorpion replied something to the effect of, I am, after all still a scorpion.

Political pundits are beginning to jump on their respective bandwagons, choosing their candidates to support and rejecting others. Many conservatives are leaping on the Romney or Giuliani support train and a few are hoping for Gingrich to leap into the fray. However, quite a number of these people of infinite political wisdom shun or outright condemn a possible entry of Fred Thompson into the arena. I have to ask, why?

One of the main detractors seems to be that Thompson has very little in the way of experience. Of course, they then have to define experience in order for Fred not to fall under the umbrella of someone with experience. I could go off on the trail of what constitutes the “right” type of experience to be president but I refuse to be sidetracked, for now. Instead, let’s look at why Fred Thompson is a far more desirable candidate then any of the current front-runners.

He has credibility. Who does not? Mitt Romney claims to be a social conservative yet, his credentials appear to be recent, like within the window he decided he might want to run for president. The man won in Massachusetts! These are the people who continually send Ted Kennedy and John Kerry back to the senate. As a Christian, I love converts but, in the political realm, converts are usually politicians who will say what the voters want just to get to the next level. American politics are replete with examples; President Bush’s betrayal of his base on the illegal immigrant issue and the entire Clinton years serve as case studies. Staying with the theme of trust, Giuliani and Gingrich both lied to two wives, had affairs, then betrayed those wives in public. And now they ask for voter forgiveness. Once is a mistake. Twice is a pattern of behavior. I require more than words before I believe someone has changed a pattern of behavior, the afore mentioned Clinton years are the example there. If a man will lie repeatedly to a woman with whom he shares an intimate relationship, what guarantee does a voter have? That’s a rhetorical question, for any who have strayed off subject.

So, that brings us to our man, Fred. The guy has a history in the public eye, a long one. And yet, I haven’t heard one pundit speak of hypocrisy, just experience, experience as they define it. Well. I’ve seen the scorpions, watched them at work. Regardless of what they say, regardless of what the pundits say, scorpions are still scorpions.

Friday, March 30, 2007

Bridge For Sale. Price: Your Life!

June 6, 1944, the troops were on the beaches of Normandy, moving inward. The Nazi army was falling back and looking for an effective strategy to stop the allies from beating them. Suddenly, the American army stopped. In the nick of time, the American congress had stepped in, de-funded the war against fascism and set a timetable for quitting the war. America left Europe and the Nazis returned to occupy all of France.

It never happened. The allies beat fascism and established a line of defense against communism, which Ronald Reagan later won. But, what would the world be like had Hitler defeated the democratic nations? What would our lives be now it communism had taken over Western Europe and elsewhere?

What will history say about the current Democrat party in 60 years?

Has there ever been a more foolish bunch of idiots ever given the reigns of power? (Okay, in the USA. Let’s not dwell on the goofball in Iran.) Do they actually believe the terrorists will walk away from us and terrorize others? The short answer is, yes. For eight years, these people hated Ronald Reagan and they have hated George W. Bush since he announced his intention to run for president. And yet, they cannot understand that those who thrust terrorism on the world could hate them. Especially if they make nice to these murderers. They actually believe that, if we surrender and walk away from the fight, the terrorists will turn their attention to others. So, let’s all just get along. Right?

If you are a supporter of the Democrat philosophy here is a suggestion. Place a sign on your front door. Tell the world that you just want to live in peace and mean no harm to anyone and, oh, by the way, the door is unlocked as a good faith gesture. Stupid, you say? Exactly!

Sunday, March 25, 2007

A Question Or Two On Illegals?

Imagine if criminals knew they could commit a crime 6 times before they need fear prosecution. What do you think they would do? Exactly, they would go on a crime spree. reports, “It generally takes six arrests before U.S. prosecutors are willing to bring criminal charges against illegal immigrants caught crossing the border, according to documents released in the controversy about eight fired U.S. attorneys."

Our nation is currently a dichotomy. Average citizens need to know that, if they violate even the smallest infraction of the law, they will be forced to endure our legal system. It will cost them in time, resources and aggravation. But, illegal aliens have a special dispensation from the powers-that-be. They can enter this country illegally, further break our laws and not risk prosecution until they push the system too far. And too far means up until a local population becomes outraged and forces the issue. A recent FBI report shows that illegals are killing more people in this country every year then the number of soldiers who are killed in Iraq. A third, or more, of the current prison population is made up of illegals.

We are being told that illegal aliens are needed in this country to do the jobs Americans will not do. And yet, everything I see and read suggests that illegals are slowing killing the country with the burden they are forcing on our infrastructure. I wonder when average Americans will wake up and see they are paying with their own personal resources for others to profit from illegal labor. At the same time, I am concerned that, when Americans wake up, there will be an internal war in the USA. People will be killed and injured. Perhaps it is the political class that must awake if this nation is to survive. However, given the current political climate in Washington, that appears unlikely.

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