Friday, June 06, 2008

We Have The Gas Prices We Deserve.

The United States Congress we voted into office continues to reject new drilling for oil on American soil, hinders the construction of new refineries with endless regulations and discourages market prices by allowing speculator to rule the commodities markets. AND we gave them the power to do so!

I say we but I really mean you. I vote for candidates who believe in the free market being allowed to be the free market. The problem is that there are so few of them and there are so few of me that we have so few of them in the congress. Thanks to so many of YOU!

Every day that I turn on the news, and those days have become fewer and fewer as I become sicker and sicker of hearing about it, I am subjected to the same regurgitated dribble about gas prices and what poor Americans can do about it. I’ll tell you what you can do about it, you can vote. Vote for candidates that will put their actions behind their rhetoric instead of the Chuck Schumers in congress who talk about the need to improve supply then vote the opposite. Oh, wait, you cannot do anything about it because you are too busy doing whatever it is that you do that makes you too busy to take care of your own life. And so you turn the big decisions that affect you the most over to other people while you decide at which restaurant you will eat, what to watch on TV or where you will shop for those things you don’t need but want.

Congradulations! Because of YOU, we have two of the weakest presidential candidates, down recently from three, who have ever vied for the highest office of our land. Of the two men now officially the unofficial candidates for the two major governing parties neither have the political will, inclination nor interest in solving any of your problems. They are more concerned with their power and with taking more of your freedoms away from you in the guise of protecting you. Neither will change the price of gas at the pump, unless it is to impose higher taxes (Yes, there are those in Congress hinting at just that solution).

Of course, I must take the blame, too. I gave money, I gave verbal support and I gave my vote to a man I thought would be better than the two current nothings but he failed to live up to expectations. There must be something else I can do but I have no idea what. My failure is in not finding that something.

In the mean time, the next four years could be some of the most difficult our nation has ever endured. That which does not kill us will make us stronger. Let’s hope we survive them as a nation to become stronger. In any event, because of you, the price of gas to get through the next four years will be higher.

Did I forget to thank you?

Thursday, June 05, 2008

Gold Strike - Tunica, Mississippi

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