Saturday, April 14, 2007
The HAT People: A Shared Cause
If it was unclear before, Speakerette Nancy Pelosi’s terrorist tour should have left no doubt in anyone’s mind just whom the Democrats support in the war on terror. It is a natural match. The terrorists and the Democrats have the same goal, the destruction of America as it exists today. The liberal elite, who currently run the Democrat party, are ashamed to be part of the society our ancestors built. They want to create a new America from the ashes, one that fits their image of themselves, regardless of how hypocritical that image might be. The terrorists agree America must fall only, they want to construct a Muslim empire in its place based on the Koran. Liberals know this, they have read of the aspirations of the terrorists but they believe that, once they have power, the Islamic murders will recognize they are divinely appointed to rule the world and make peace.
Here is what must be understood about liberal elites; they do not believe the laws and regulations that dominate the lives of average people should apply to them. They propose taxes for the rich, than exclude themselves and their friends. They preach the need for lifestyle changes to stop global warming but fail to apply those standards to their own lives. They want employers to pay higher wages but exempt companies in their own districts and allow others to exploit illegal immigrants with sub-minimum wages and benefits. Pelosi, Hillary Clinton, Al Gore and other elitists jet around the world in comfort as others pay the bills while demanding the rest of us scale back our own lives, for the sake of…you fill in the blank.
Let the terrorists win on their own terms, the liberals think but, do not say. Let them win, then the libs and the killers will get together and talk it out. In the end, the terrorists, who murder their own people like cowards, will see how noble the Democrats are and step aside so that American liberals can rule the world.

Here is what must be understood about liberal elites; they do not believe the laws and regulations that dominate the lives of average people should apply to them. They propose taxes for the rich, than exclude themselves and their friends. They preach the need for lifestyle changes to stop global warming but fail to apply those standards to their own lives. They want employers to pay higher wages but exempt companies in their own districts and allow others to exploit illegal immigrants with sub-minimum wages and benefits. Pelosi, Hillary Clinton, Al Gore and other elitists jet around the world in comfort as others pay the bills while demanding the rest of us scale back our own lives, for the sake of…you fill in the blank.
Let the terrorists win on their own terms, the liberals think but, do not say. Let them win, then the libs and the killers will get together and talk it out. In the end, the terrorists, who murder their own people like cowards, will see how noble the Democrats are and step aside so that American liberals can rule the world.