Saturday, April 12, 2008

Global ____________ Crisis!!

You fill in the blank. Those who worship at the global warming altar of Al Gore are having difficulty making a case for themselves right now. What with a blizzard in the northern mid-west and cooler than normal temperatures in the rest of the country. But have no fear, the Al Gores of the world will salvage the situation and get back to doing what they do best, making money on the fears of the masses.

Since time immortal, fear-mongering charlatans have profited by preaching a doom and gloom message for which they collect funds from the gullible who think these con artists have some unique powers to solve. In the 70s the cry was the coming of the next ice age. Oops, the temperatures began to warm up so the cries changed to global warming and old Albert jumped on the bandwagon when he saw the chance to separate himself from the rest of the political class.

However, the idea failed politically. I believe because the average person does not want to change their lifestyle. It was a non-starter for seeking the big job. Sure, Americans want to save the planet from pollution but, they want the other guy to have to change his/her behavior not them. As with all issues, a small minority become fanatics and politicians start to placate them over the wishes of the masses. It is amazing to me how these small special interest groups gain so much power over the lives of the rest of us. These fringe groups then use their power to set policy and the average citizen is stuck with the results.

So it will be with the global ________ crisis. The evidence suggests that temperatures are trending lower and have been for ten years. And, if you have paid attention, you will note that the climate gurus have already adjusted their “new speak” to use the term “climate change” instead of “global warming.” By the time the evidence of the temperature shift becomes widely known, the prophets of doom and profit will have made the total transformation and shout, “We told you so!” Climate change will be the crisis. The mantra will be that the weather has become unpredictable because of man’s carbon footprint. We must change our lifestyles or die.

You see, there was a time in history when man was able to predict quite accurately the weather. What? You do not remember those good old days? You say the weather has never been predictable? Heretic!

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