Sunday, February 10, 2008

What If It Is McCain Against Obama?

In the conservative mindset of the Republican Party, there is no way the right wing of the GOP would ever support Hillary. A Clinton by any other name is intolerable to most if not all conservatives and those who have a sense of smell. Therefore, it is believed that, with Hillary at the top of the ticket, the conservative voters would have nowhere else to go. Some would stay home. Yes, that is a possibility. But many, like myself, would pull the lever for anyone but Hillary.

But what if Obama beats the Clintons? That is a scenario thought impossible to believe a few months ago. That is, until Obama started to make his run. It is now within the possibilities that he just might be the candidate. Many in the Democrat Party have long dreaded the thought of another Clinton and were desperately looking for an alternative. They just might have one.

So what does this mean for conservative voters? Here is the thing; Obama is not Clinton and yet, he is. From a policy perspective, there is no difference between Hillary and Barak. They are both socialists through and through. However, Obama is, on the surface, a decent and honorable man. He may be wrong on the issues but he appears to be a person of moral substance. His character when matched up with Hillary or McCain is a vote getter. Conservatives might cast a ballot for him as a protest against McCain and the whole RINO wing of the party.

I do not want Hillary as the Democrat candidate. I do not want to take the chance, especially in this weird political season, that she might somehow, like her husband, sneak into the White House. That said, Obama is gradually putting himself in position where he could very well beat McCain, with the conservative vote.

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