Saturday, December 29, 2007

"Are you a god?"

In the first Ghostbusters movie, a wicked demon-like creature asks the guys if they are gods. Dan Aykroyd responds in the negative to which the demon nearly blows them off the top of a very high building. Ernie Hudson scolds him, telling him that if someone asks if he is a god, the answer is yes.

Enter Al Gore, the god of Global Warming or its new name, Climate Change. Well, if he is not a god, he is the prophet of the god who will someday destroy the world through global change/warming/whatever. Yes, Al Gore knows how the world will end and he is warning the planet that, with his help (i.e. money given to his companies, oops, I mean cause) we can save ourselves from eminent destruction. Whew! That was close.

I guess old Al has never read the Bible from cover to cover. Otherwise, he would know what many Christians have known from the beginning of humanity. God is in control and He has not yet given up His sovereignty to mankind. In other words, God knows how it will all end and He has not changed His plans just to please Al and his science-is-god crowd. Despite Al Gore’s faith in man as the ultimate decider of the end of the world, I believe I will keep my faith in the One who created it all, told us about it and made it clear that He will determine how it will all come to pass.

Sorry, Al. You are not a god. You are not even a very good prophet.

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