Friday, October 19, 2007
Hillary’s Presumptive Victory
Have you seen the new polls coming out? They are an attempt to break down the voting demographics of who might support which candidate. The polls seem to be focused on Hillary and no other candidate. Interesting! More than a year from the general election and the pollsters know how people will cast their vote. Joseph Goebbels, former propagandist minister for the Nazis, once said something to the effect of, tell a lie long enough and loud enough and people will believe it is true. In my humble opinion, the polls are nothing more than an attempt to make Hillary appear more electable.
There is also an obsession with Hillary’s campaign bank account. The conventional wisdom is that, the more cash a candidate has the better their chances of winning. I have never subscribed to that theory. I believe a candidate's ability to get their message out to the public is far more important. The candidate that can frame him/herself into the image the most appealing to the electorate will win. Throwing money at a campaign is the easiest and laziest method of running for office. The best example is the recent Corker/Ford senate battle in Tennessee. The Corker campaign was able to paint their opponent into a box many voters found troubling with the use of very little money and a whole lot of media coverage.
What does it all mean? Hillary is trying to win the nomination and election before the first vote is cast by simply implying that she has already won. If she can get the MSM to help her tell the fable long enough and loud enough, and we know how unbiased the MSM is, then she can cruise to the finish line. Ah, but here is the danger. Voters are not as predictable as one might think and if Hillary does not do as well as expected in the first few primaries, the paint might come off the pig. You see, unfortunately for Hillary, the actual votes are the only thing that counts in the end and with negatives like hers, the end is not so predictable.
There is also an obsession with Hillary’s campaign bank account. The conventional wisdom is that, the more cash a candidate has the better their chances of winning. I have never subscribed to that theory. I believe a candidate's ability to get their message out to the public is far more important. The candidate that can frame him/herself into the image the most appealing to the electorate will win. Throwing money at a campaign is the easiest and laziest method of running for office. The best example is the recent Corker/Ford senate battle in Tennessee. The Corker campaign was able to paint their opponent into a box many voters found troubling with the use of very little money and a whole lot of media coverage.
What does it all mean? Hillary is trying to win the nomination and election before the first vote is cast by simply implying that she has already won. If she can get the MSM to help her tell the fable long enough and loud enough, and we know how unbiased the MSM is, then she can cruise to the finish line. Ah, but here is the danger. Voters are not as predictable as one might think and if Hillary does not do as well as expected in the first few primaries, the paint might come off the pig. You see, unfortunately for Hillary, the actual votes are the only thing that counts in the end and with negatives like hers, the end is not so predictable.