Saturday, September 08, 2007
The HAT People: Convert, Fight Or Die
Those who call for us to leave Iraq suffer from memory lose. Quick quiz; where were you when the 911 attacks were being planned?
We all can remember where we were when the planes slammed into our buildings but can you remember where you were when the terrorists were planning their terrorism? A brief history lesson. Bill Clinton was president and he was engaged in trying to have a dialogue with radical Islam. That’s right, the public stance of the United States of America was trying to talk with those behind terrorism. Can you say Yasser Arafat? I knew you could. We were not in Iraq, not in Afghanistan and not in a military posture. But the terrorists were planning to kill us.
The “Get Us Out Of Iraq” people are mostly well-meaning. They are no doubt like me and suffer every time the casualties are announced. However, they are also naive in believing that if we just leave these people alone, they will leave us alone. It will not happen. There is a new Islam in the world. It grows with every passing day as the world shrinks and cultures interact. These new Muslims demand that the world convert to Islam or die.
Like it or not, we are in a battle for our very lives. You can hide your head in the sand but the enemy will not go away. You can deny that the enemy is our enemy or swear that the enemy does not mean what they say when they scream for our destruction but that will not change reality. The reality is that they want us dead. How do you negotiate from that starting point?

We all can remember where we were when the planes slammed into our buildings but can you remember where you were when the terrorists were planning their terrorism? A brief history lesson. Bill Clinton was president and he was engaged in trying to have a dialogue with radical Islam. That’s right, the public stance of the United States of America was trying to talk with those behind terrorism. Can you say Yasser Arafat? I knew you could. We were not in Iraq, not in Afghanistan and not in a military posture. But the terrorists were planning to kill us.
The “Get Us Out Of Iraq” people are mostly well-meaning. They are no doubt like me and suffer every time the casualties are announced. However, they are also naive in believing that if we just leave these people alone, they will leave us alone. It will not happen. There is a new Islam in the world. It grows with every passing day as the world shrinks and cultures interact. These new Muslims demand that the world convert to Islam or die.
Like it or not, we are in a battle for our very lives. You can hide your head in the sand but the enemy will not go away. You can deny that the enemy is our enemy or swear that the enemy does not mean what they say when they scream for our destruction but that will not change reality. The reality is that they want us dead. How do you negotiate from that starting point?