Saturday, September 01, 2007

So Long Larry Craig, We Knew You Too Well!!

The AP claims that Senator Larry I’m Not A Homosexual But I Have Kinky Bathroom Sex Craig will announce his resignation. Good. One down, 99 to go. I know there are probably a dozen or so good senators currently serving but it’s time to sweep the cupboard clean and start over. Then move over to the House and do the same thing.

Think about it. This is how bad it’s gotten. Craig had a news conference where he explained his technique for sitting on the crapper! Yes, we heard the details of how he places his feet. Dear God in heaven! Come on? Is this who we want leading us? What were you people in Idaho thinking when you went into the voting booth?

I know, my apologies to the voters of Idaho. My wife and I just voted in the mayoral runoff elections in Nashville and we went in to vote against one candidate not for a candidate. Talk about not having choices.

Someone get me a broom. A big one!

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