Sunday, September 02, 2007
The HAT People: Brunehillary vs. The Press
I made the prediction in the days following the election of Bill Clinton, months before he was even sworn in, that his presidency would produce more and greater scandals than Richard Nixon. People scoffed. And why not. Who would have thought the nation after Watergate would put up with the type of corruption Nixon and his administration demonstrated. Also, the Nixon era produced a new kind of reporter, the investigative journalist. These were people who doggedly went after corruption in politics. No longer would politicians be allowed to hide behind the curtain of their private lives verses their public lives.
But along the way to the Clinton presidency something happened to change the dynamic. The liberals who occupy the majority (some 90% plus) in the newsrooms discovered their like-minded politicians were far worse in the realm of ethics than Nixon could ever have been accused. The revelation created a significant problem for true-believers in the press, i.e. liberal journalists. To expose corrupt liberal politicians would damage the credibility of the leftist movement. To show the hypocrisy of Democrat politicians might persuade voters to go elsewhere for their leaders.
So what is the answer? See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil.
But the old journalism is dying. And as it lies on its deathbed the question becomes; what will happen this election cycle when the ancient MSM cannot control (or manage as they like to believe) the news? For the sake of the country and our children’s future, we can only hope that the American voters will have the information through the new media and that they will make informed decisions once they are in the voting booth. If not, we will have four to eight more years of scandal far worse than Bubba’s. I predict that now.

But along the way to the Clinton presidency something happened to change the dynamic. The liberals who occupy the majority (some 90% plus) in the newsrooms discovered their like-minded politicians were far worse in the realm of ethics than Nixon could ever have been accused. The revelation created a significant problem for true-believers in the press, i.e. liberal journalists. To expose corrupt liberal politicians would damage the credibility of the leftist movement. To show the hypocrisy of Democrat politicians might persuade voters to go elsewhere for their leaders.
So what is the answer? See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil.
But the old journalism is dying. And as it lies on its deathbed the question becomes; what will happen this election cycle when the ancient MSM cannot control (or manage as they like to believe) the news? For the sake of the country and our children’s future, we can only hope that the American voters will have the information through the new media and that they will make informed decisions once they are in the voting booth. If not, we will have four to eight more years of scandal far worse than Bubba’s. I predict that now.