Friday, August 24, 2007

Why I Speedbump On Mitt.

Mitt Romney has passed Hillary in the “I’d vote for anyone else but” category in the realm of sacred poling. And, as we all know, poling is a scientific industry that ranks right up there in accuracy with weather predictions and Hillary Clinton’s memory of her Rose Law Firm records. Here’s the thing, Mitt is a confirmed Mormon. In America, unlike most Muslim run countries, a person has the right to believe whatever they wish and do so publically. Okay, Christians have to fight for that right against the likes of the ACLU and the MSM but for the most part the principle stands. But there is an equally sacred principle in these United States; voters are not obligated to vote for people they believe are stupid.

I know, that sounds harsh but I have studied Mormonism a little. Not a whole heck of a lot, since I found it, well, stupid. But I have looked into it including reading some of the Book of Mormon.

Before I am crucified for making my opinions known, I would remind all that the right to express opinions is a national treasure. One Democrats hope to suppress but, for the time being, one that we all have a right to do. Expressing opinions may hurt someone else’s feeling. Fine. My feelings are injured on a regular basis by those who use fowl language, especially invoking the name of my God and King as a swear word. And in a public context, I am obligated to allow them. They have the right to be ignorant. For giggles, I imagine them standing before God in the final judgment and having a montage of their linguistic choices replayed.

Now, Mitt Romney, he has the right to be a Mormon. And I have the right to wonder why anyone who has studied the history of Mormonism would ever believe anything based on that historical legacy. So, when I enter the voting booth, I have an obligation as an informed voter, I realize we are few and far between these days, I have an obligation to consider a candidate’s qualifications to serve including his or her ability to detect and react to deceit. What kind of idiot am I if I vote for someone I believe to have fallen for a lie? Or a miss-truth, if you prefer a softer approach to the term. If I have studied Christianity, and I have, and if I have studied the other major religions of the world, and I have, than I have an obligation to support those who take the informed intellectual path and reject those I believe to be walking down the jagged road of untruth.

Ah, but here is the potential for a future dilemma I hope never arrives. What if I must choose between Mitt and Hillary? After all, Hillary was the only one in America, no, the world, who did not know her husband was cheating on her. She only discovered the truth after the stained dress was produced. Talk about the uninformed and easily deceived.

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