Friday, August 17, 2007

What are you people worried about?

I caught a news report on a mother dragging her little son to the doctor where his finger was pricked for a few drops of blood. Bombarded with news of the deadly toys coming out of China, she was fearful that her child might be in danger.

Now come on, people! Do you really think that a large industrialized nation would risk the health of its customers just to make a few bucks? After all, the Chinese government is known for the compassionate care it provides for its own citizens.

For years many in the blogosphere have warned of the dangers of conducting business with the Red ChiComs but their admonitions were brushed aside by big business wanting cheaper products and leftist liberals wanting warm and fuzzy relations with the unwashed godless enslavers of a major portion of the world’s population. As the truth gradually emerges one has to wonder about the effect it will have on world markets. Citizens of industrialized nations around the world will now have to ask the question; is my government protecting my health from unscrupulous nations who supply much of the cheap trinkets sold on the open market?

Personal story: I was at my local grocery store not too long ago. As I passed the shelves of home utensils, I remembered that we were in need of a particular instrument of culinary preparation. I don’t normally purchase these types of tools from a food supplier because the cost is often considerably higher than a department store. However, I didn’t know when I would next frequent a department store so, I reviewed the selection. To my discomfort, most of the products were made in China. Convenience was going to cost me financially as well as morally. With a sigh, I made my selection and moved on. Now I wonder. Did my choice of convenience over price cost me more than just my morality? Who knows what hidden danger lies deep under the surface of that cuisine assistance utensil? I have a vision of a doctor, in my future, reading a chart, while I hold my pricked finger, and telling me that I would not be in his office had I chosen an American made product. And they say the bathroom is the most dangerous room in the house.

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