Sunday, July 08, 2007
The HAT People: How Pollution Saved Earth

Liberals have, since the creation of liberalism, maintained one consistent truth; Do As I Say, Not As I Do. Regardless of their pet cause, a liberal can always be counted on not to live by whatever law, regulation or statute they push as the fix for whatever evil they have uncovered. It is the lifestyle of others they expect to change.
Enter Al Gore, trying to fit an oversized butt into a pair of pre-washed jeans. Seems physical fitness is not currently on the agenda. But, because Al cares, he has been jetting around the world and consuming resources to denounce people who, well, jet around the world and consume resources. And leave it to the liberal MSM not to challenge him on his hypocrisy, NBC to provide millions of dollars in free TV time to promote his hypocrisy and millions of willing liberal activists joining him in his hypocrisy by polluting the Earth so they can tell us we have to stop. Okay, Al, you first!!