Sunday, June 03, 2007
Our Best Deserve Better!
It must be confusing to be serving our country these days. I do not envy those brave, gallant people, though I do appreciate them and wish I were young again so I could join them.
What has happened to us as a country? We have some of the best in our nation fighting to keep the bad guys from hitting us on our doorstep, or worse, in our homes, and we blast them at every turn. I do not care if you are against the war!! I believe the war was won but the winning of the peace has been handled so badly I want to slap a bunch of politicians, starting with the oval office. But I support the men and women doing their best to win this thing and I will do nothing to undermine them. Too bad Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi and the rest of the anti-war crowd do not feel the same. They do not care how many of our military personnel are killed so long as they win their political argument. Some would call that murder, others treason.
What has happened to us as a country? We have some of the best in our nation fighting to keep the bad guys from hitting us on our doorstep, or worse, in our homes, and we blast them at every turn. I do not care if you are against the war!! I believe the war was won but the winning of the peace has been handled so badly I want to slap a bunch of politicians, starting with the oval office. But I support the men and women doing their best to win this thing and I will do nothing to undermine them. Too bad Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi and the rest of the anti-war crowd do not feel the same. They do not care how many of our military personnel are killed so long as they win their political argument. Some would call that murder, others treason.