Sunday, June 17, 2007
The HAT People: Harry The Competent
Harry Reid called American generals incompetent. It would be interesting to know what scale he was using at the time. I, for one, prefer a scale of success. Someone who is competent at their job or skill will be able to demonstrate their competence with accomplishments. So, how does Majority Leader Reid stack up on the success scale?
He has 6 months of senate leadership without passing one major piece of legislation he has supported. Yes, the senate did pass a military funding bill but not before every bill supported by Reid was killed or vetoed.
He has managed to orchestrate several land deals, which have enriched his own personal accounts. You say, that is personal and not in the public interest. Exactly. He used his office to advance his own finances at the expense of the American taxpayer. Quite the accomplishment.
He has managed to throw tax dollars to relatives who are lobbyists. Again, not really helping the nation but promoting his family. But it is a success, nevertheless.
He has managed to lower the standards of one of the nation’s highest offices while the MSM and liberal bloggers continue to give him a pass. That is his greatest success. Scooter Libby was convicted of lying to the feds about a non-crime and received jail time. Reid lies on a daily basis to America and remains in office while still earning the big political bucks. That’s success! That’s competence!!!
Well, I guess Harry Reid does know what it means to be competent.

He has 6 months of senate leadership without passing one major piece of legislation he has supported. Yes, the senate did pass a military funding bill but not before every bill supported by Reid was killed or vetoed.
He has managed to orchestrate several land deals, which have enriched his own personal accounts. You say, that is personal and not in the public interest. Exactly. He used his office to advance his own finances at the expense of the American taxpayer. Quite the accomplishment.
He has managed to throw tax dollars to relatives who are lobbyists. Again, not really helping the nation but promoting his family. But it is a success, nevertheless.
He has managed to lower the standards of one of the nation’s highest offices while the MSM and liberal bloggers continue to give him a pass. That is his greatest success. Scooter Libby was convicted of lying to the feds about a non-crime and received jail time. Reid lies on a daily basis to America and remains in office while still earning the big political bucks. That’s success! That’s competence!!!
Well, I guess Harry Reid does know what it means to be competent.