Friday, April 06, 2007

The Story Of Speakerette Pelosi

What does a president do when his domestic agenda is in the dumper? He packs his bags and tours the world to take the attention off of whatever woes have befallen him. Enter Speakerette Nancy Pelosi, or exit Pelosi. During the last election cycle, the Democrats made promises most said would be difficult, if not impossible, to keep given the tight reigns held by the special interest groups who run the party. So, what’s a Speakerette to do when she finds herself mired in a special interest quagmire that prevents her from accomplishing anything of substance? Well, she hops a plane and runs into the arms of any despot willing to welcome her as a leader. In other words, she is trying to look presidential. Who cares if she is obligated to forget Syria is a sponsor of terrorism, allows insurgents to cross their borders where they kill American soldiers and may be the depot for Saddam’s WMD. On the home front, Democrats have declared the "War on terror" is over. Rats! Had, wait, President Pelosi only known, she could have announced our surrender while she was stepping over the bodies of the dead to shake hands with terrorist leaders.

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